Where space is at a premium and efficient, high quality images are the goal, the digital XPERT® 20 System is the solution. This self-contained, shielded cabinet X-ray system provides core biopsy and stereotactic biopsy specimen imaging. The system offers feature-rich, user-friendly software in a small cabinet that takes up less real estate than a PC. With zero warm-up time, the XPERT® 20 System offers AEC (automatic exposure control), auto-calibration, automatic window leveling and the ability to send multiple images, with annotations to PACS.
A small focal spot X-ray source provides increased visibility and sharpness of detail. With an X-ray source of up to 25kV and 1.0mA, the XPERT® 20 System provides images with the highest resolution to locate the smallest detail. Designed for use in the most limited spaces with complete shielding and other radiation safety features, the XPERT® 20 System is fully compliant with U.S. Federal and State requirements for radiation safety and operates with only a standard AC power source.
Ease of operation, safety and the ability to acquire, annotate, print and send images to PACS in the shortest amount of time makes the XPERT® 20 System the ideal tool for specimen radiography in the biopsy suite.