Medical image, analog to digital transform, dental.
Scintillator Csl : TL with FOP
Active Area 24.0 x 33.0 mm / 26.0 x 36.0 mm
Active Pixels 686 x 944px
744 x 1,030px
Pixel Pitch 35 ㎛
Limiting Resolution Real Resolution : 12 lp/mm
A/D Conversion 12 bits
Frame Rate Static
Interface USB with data box
Energy Range 50~100 k V
Dimension(W x L x H) 29.2 x 38.7 x 4.95 mm / 31.5 x 42.8 x 4.95 mm
Cable Length : 3m
Certification MFDS, CE/MDD, FDA, Health Canada